Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Last Days at New Hope

We arrived in Beijing last Wednesday night and it has been busy and fun! On Thursday the nannies and six of us volunteers here took 15 babies to the Blue Zoo (aquarium) in Beijing and to McDonald's! It was such a special day having the babies on a bus to show them so much on the 45 minute ride into Beijing. They saw a seal show then we walked through the aquarium. Most of the toddlers and preschoolers really enjoyed seeing the fish. A few were a bit frightened at first seeing such large fish up close.

French fries are a hit no matter the age! It was hilarious to see them dip fries in ketchup like we do. They were so proud of themselves. A few children tried to get sips of soft drink from the volunteers and nannies drinks.

The girls are still trying to journal but the days are filled right now. On Saturday the Hansen family from the US flew in and I met them at the airport with the Hope drivers. They are a family of six moving here for a year for the mom to be a nurse here at Hope. What a huge blessing they already are and will continue to be.

The little ones enjoy having older children to play with and it is perfect timing with us leaving soon. The children have become so excited to see our girls each day. They are jie jie (older sister) to the babies here and the nannies call our girls "jie jie" when they walk in the playroom.

1 comment:

  1. As much as we are looking forward to your return this evening, we are surely going to miss your blog. We have experienced your trip with such depth through your writings.
    The Three Z's have yours and Uncle David's communication gene. Then Charles put the frosting on the cake with his emails, so descriptive and even poetic on the last with the awesome pic with the sunset there. The Lord bless and keep you . . .
