Sunday, February 23, 2014

Our Family of Five Arrives in China!

We made it to China safely and we are tired but happy! The Washington, DC airport where we got on the big plane was very large, so my sisters and I have sore legs from walking about 1.5 miles to make our connection. We were pulling a carry-on and wearing a backpack so we could get to China with as many supplies as possible for the babies that live here and families that help here! It was still very exciting so I slept about 15 minutes on the flight. It was a short layover and we arrived in Beijing at 3:40 p.m. on Saturday (14 hours ahead of time at home).

Last night we had dinner with the Hill and Shook families. It was fun to catch up with them and see how well Dr. Joyce is doing now after a serious health scare last summer. They live on-site also.

Right know it is about 6:30 on Monday morning and we can hear a few babies crying. It is cold here but the heat works well so we have the windows open a bit. The birds are singing loudly and the sun is trying to come up through the fog and smog.

We are staying in a two-bedroom apartment upstairs in Hope Foster Home. We sisters have been in the bedroom reading and writing since 4 a.m. Mom got up about 3:45 a.m. My dad is asleep still but we think he will wake up soon. He did not sleep at all on the flight.

In a few minutes we are going to go downstairs to play with babies. Pictures to follow later today!

Thank you for your continual prayers for our family and these babies, many of whom need forever homes.



  1. Have fun playing with the babies! Thanks for updating your blog! I'll be watching it. Michelle Rutta-Wahe, mom to Yu An Yang. Gotcha 4/15/11, and Heartbridge/New Hope graduate.

  2. We are so excited about the experiences you are having and the blessing you will be to the children there! Love you - Uncle Jim and Aunt Sherry
