Friday, February 28, 2014

Thoughts from Z-Mom

How wonderful to be here spending time with the precious babies and dear friends. Thank you for covering us in prayer on this special journey. We are so blessed to be spending time with precious babies and showing them God's love. Words can't describe the emotion of being here with little ones who are so precious yet many will not be adopted because of their medical condition.

Charles and I met Dr. Joyce and Robin Hill in May of 2001 when they brought two orphan babies to Vanderbilt for surgery. Amazing how my comment to her, "We'll do what we can to help you and bring supplies when we adopt in 2002" led to packing hundreds of suitcases of supplies for 13 years now. Also the generosity of so many people around the US to donate much-needed supplies has enabled the care of these children to continue with many items they cannot get in China or cannot get for a reasonable cost. (There are some items that are much more expensive here that are needed in daily care of these babies.) And the travelers - wow, hundreds of people going to adopt, to tour or do business have taken and continue to gladly take suitcases of supplies to Beijing and the supplies continue to be there when needed. I could fill pages with the amazing stories of items they thought they would not necessarily need arriving just in time for an emergency situation where that item was needed. God just goes before and provides for these orphans.

Thanks to friends of ours who provided help and supplies for this trip - to Mrs. Kristin for going all over our community to "buy-out" the stores of much-needed powdered oral replacement salts - to Max's family (special friend to Zena and me on our 2013 visit and adopted weeks later by US family!) who continues to regularly provide special laxatives needed for some babies here - to the Major family who provided allergy liquid and other medicines - to the Wesley family for the suitcase that arrived on Friday night as a "use when you need" donation and was on a plane to China the next day as we needed to take more supplies than we had packed at that point and a big suitcase arrived just in time - to the Smith family who came by late Friday night to pick up a jacket left at our house and loaded all of our large suitcases in the van!

The need is on-going for supplies. Look at the list on or email me if you want to help anytime. It is amazing how God has used people from all over this world to care for these babies in many ways.

As some of you know, Dr. Joyce suffered a stroke last year and was in grave condition for days. People all over the world prayed for her and this wonderful, strong lady emerged again and is back at work and experiencing more life than she was able to for years with some previous health challenges. It is precious to be here and spend time with her. We have enjoyed eating at their table, quilting sessions, walking outdoors, cookout with friends and more!

There are other people who work here who are dear to our hearts and it is always a blessing to spend time with them. Mikey's birthday was yesterday. He has spent years at Hope loving on these precious little ones and has visited us in at our home in the past few years. Zola made him a birthday card yesterday and wrote inside, "You feel like a big brother to us." Charles and I are so thankful for many friends and family who love our girls and make such an impact in their lives and encourage them to live generous lives.

Our hearts overflow with thanksgiving for the generosity of so many to make our journey possible and to stay at our house, to ship suitcases in my absence, to prepare treat bags for our girls to enjoy each week, to return our overdue library books and so much many blessings we have received.

I won't be posting often as this is the girls' blog but wanted to share our thoughts as we end this first week of this special journey.

Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Psalm 82:3


  1. Oh! Thank you for the shout-out! That is the least I can do say 'thank you' to New Hope for the loving care they gave Max. And Thank YOU for all the service you've done over the years. It is so nice seeing pictures of Joyce, It warms my heart to see her sitting at the campfire, and enjoying it's warmth. I love seeing her, and am very grateful for her health.

  2. Becky, I love the picture of you guys sitting outside around the small fire. Isn't it interesting where God has taken you guys? It is amazing to me that the blessings just continue over and over. I think of you guys going to bring home beautiful Zara. It felt like you guys were going to moon. So foreign, so far, so unknown (to me). Now, because you wanted God's love to shine, China seems closer than ever. Thanks for making the world smaller and see God's love much more clearly. Tell and the Zs and Charles hello and I love you all! David

  3. What beautiful, wonderful experiences and fellowship with such awesome people.
    Love the verse you ended with "...defend the fatherless..." Ps. 82:3 . How beautifully you and Charles, and now the Z's are living this verse - bringing it to full life.
    Pop says he sure is getting his money's worth out of that Harding education! We both love all five of you, and are sending up prayers daily for you and those you are with in China! Mom
