Monday, March 17, 2014

Out and About In Beijing

Last Friday, we went on an outing to Beijing with Mikey who works at Hope and has lived in China for several years! We had lunch then Baskin-Robbins ice cream for dessert! Then, we went to IKEA in Beijing. That place was huge! We had never been to IKEA! It was three stories and everywhere we turned, there was another display. I saw a lot of things I liked that I couldn’t bring home with me. Mom is getting the two-bedroom apartment at Hope ready for a family to live in for the next year as they move there to help with the babies.

Saturday, we went to airport to get Dad as he came back after having to leave to work at home for a while. He came in at Capital Airport Terminal 2 which is where he and mom flew in each time they adopted one of us. Now there is a newer terminal for most international flights that is huge and where we came in a few weeks ago.

On Sunday we go to the international church that is approved for foreign passport holders to attend. What a blessing to worship each week with people from around the world! On the way to church, we go to Starbucks and McDonalds which is the Hope staff and volunteers routine! Hope is about 35 minutes from this area so this is a special treat each week!



  1. What a great experience for all of you! I'm glad your Dad made it back in one piece. Have fun - and bring me back a double scoop of chocolate chip!

    Love You!

    Uncle Jim

  2. Zara, what a great pic of you, Zena and Zola with your Dad! Your Mom's trip is complete having a Baskin-Robbins there. Now we know why she keeps going back to China!!!
