Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day Four - Luoyang

We are having a terrible time with internet disruptions here. Sorry for the delay in getting updated.

We had a great first day here. That morning we went to preschool with Rebecca the teacher here. She is great with the children. She is not available to teach tomorrow so mom and I are teaching the three classes. The children are so sweet!

We went to The Duck Restaurant for dinner with staff and volunteers from Maria's Big House of Hope. It was a delicious meal and it was fun to have food on the lazy susan at the big round table. You see the lazy susan a lot on tables in China. We had roasted duck, sweet potato balls (pictured - a favorite of mom's from previous China trips) and so much more!

When we got back, some men here did fireworks since it is the end of Chinese New Year. They were bright, loud and beautiful!

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