Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Day Two - Beijing to Luoyang

Tuesday morning I helped with preschool again. It was fun and the children like having me in class. Late morning we went to the Beijing Airport to fly to Luoyang. What should have been a one hour wait turned into fours when our flight was delayed. I ate delicious beef and noodles at an airport restaurant.

I met new friends during the long wait. A little girl one and a half years old played chase with me in the long, vacant waiting area. Then a nine-year-old Chinese girl wrote notes to me in very basic English. We had a fun time visiting and showing each other money from our country. Finally we were taken to a downstairs gate where we boarded a bus. There were over 100 people on a bus that was supposed to have about 60 passengers. I was squished and mom couldn't even see me but she knew I was safe. When we got off the bus, everyone rushed to the stairs for the plane.

We arrived in Luoyang with our backpacks, two overnight bags and four big suitcases of medical supplies and some gifts for staff and volunteers. It was great to meet the Martins (doctor and family), Mariah(nurse), Rebecca (preschool teacher) and other nurses here. The Martin family children and I had a fun time playing! We are doing well with jet-lag but ready to go to sleep by 9:00 every night!


  1. We are so glad you made it to Luoyang safly. We join Charles in being "proud" parents and grandparents.
    All is well here, and we are just praising God for all you two are doing. What warmth and gladness you are bringing to the hearts of many, and what enormous practical, physical good you are doing through all the medical supplies and daily needs supplies you are distributing. Much love from Mom/Granna and Dad/PopPop and Zara and Zola

  2. Zena, I just read all your post --- what a great trip and what a great job you are doing with the children there. I love your godly, beautiful heart! Also your pictures and post are perfect! They make me feel like I am on the trip with you. Tell your mother that we said "hello" and to know that we are praying for you guys. I want to hear more about where you were while you were smashed on the bus with 100 people! You could have become Zena Pie! Make your time count (I Cor 15:58)! Love you and your mother so much! Uncle David

  3. So proud of you!!! I know you are having a wonderful time! God is also so proud of you!!
    Sherri Womack
