Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day Six - Goodbyes and Hello Again

We got up early to play with babies at MBHOH and say our goodbyes to friends there. The children were so happy to see us come in their playrooms and we loved holding the little babies. It was especially fun to hold a small baby that had come in recently. It was amazing to see all those babies and to know that they are so well cared for while waiting for a forever family. And some babies there will never get well. God cares for these babies and uses so many people to bless their lives.

We left Luoyang on a late morning flight and arrived in Beijing early afternoon to spend the rest of our time at New Hope. Mr. Rob picked us up at the airport and, as always, we enjoy our time with him and learn more about China.

In the afternoon I played with several children. They were so happy to see me back and some even called my name! It is a privilege to be God’s hands and feet to these children this week.

We enjoyed dinner with our friends, the Hills, and other staff and volunteers here. They have a special Friday night television tradition and it was fun to be part of that!

At 10:30 p.m. Friday night here, I Skyped my FCA 4th grade class. Seeing my friends at FCA and talking to them was a a lot of fun!


  1. Great pictures! Justin and I have really enjoyed seeing all that you have done and are doing. I want to hug all of those sweet angels! Hope you are having a great time and soaking up every minute of your trip!! See you soon :)

  2. Hi to you both!! We have so enjoyed your blog and seeing how you are blessing those sweet children. We love and miss you! The McKeebys
